Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga is probably the most comprehensive form of yoga and meditation world wide keeping to the teaching set hundreds of years ago without alteration. It is therefore a proven yoga form, which I experience daily to be more effective than mindfulness or other newly developed forms of relaxation, fitness and healing.
The science of Kundalini yoga can remove blockages on all levels and difficulties you might experience in life. Kundalini Yoga is a proven long-term solution to reduce anxiety, depression and manage pain and diseases. It offers a safe space to engage with meditation and gives the tools to create a healthy, happy and positive daily life.
"Kundalini yoga classes are a dynamic blend of postures, pranayama (breathing exercises), some mantra (chanting), music and meditation, which teach you the art of relaxation, self-healing and elevation. Balancing body and mind enables you to experience the clarity and beauty of your soul." Yogi Bhajan.
Everyone can do Kundalini Yoga and who practises it will have powerful results, no matter what ability, fitness, age, religion or ethnicity. It gives multiple benefits even if you do not understand how it works. You can learn and apply the tools Kundalini Yoga offers to have a happy and healthy life. All you need to do is relax and enjoy your journey.
Yogi Bhajan said what you invest will return in multitude; in other words every compassionate physical, mental or emotional investment will return to you in large indefinite quantity.
“Yoga means a discipline of mind and body. There is nothing mysterious about it. Yoga does not explain the meaning of life.... It's aim is to develop a quality of mind which can perceive reality and acquire self knowledge.” Yogi Bhajan
Who benefits and practise Kundalini Yoga?